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Dual Pricing

Explore zero fee processing; stop giving away your hard-earned business profits. Dual Pricing is simple and easy, and when processed by a reputable payment processor, like PPD Technology, always complies with state rules.


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What is Dual Pricing?


Dual pricing is a merchant processing feature that allows you to offer both a Cash/ACH/EBT price and a card price to your customers, passing on and eliminating your processing fees almost entirely.


Customers decide their preferred payment method and you retain 100% of the cash price for every product you sell. It is fully compliant, clear to customers, and studies show that it does not impact consumer behavior.


While Dual Pricing has only been available at gas stations, this has changed. It’s now available at brick and mortar restaurants and retailers with a credible payment processor, like PPD Technlogy.

Why Offer Dual Pricing?

Conscientious consumers who still carry cash will be thrilled that you’re offering them a savings of 4 cents on the dollar to pay in cash. Plus, customers will appreciate that you’re:


  • Fully disclosing both price options clearly

  • Offering them an option to pay with cash and save off the regular price.

  • Rewarding them for carrying cash.

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As a business owner, you’ll enjoy:


  • One flat rate passed onto the customer, none of those sly fees, like PCI compliance fees, batch header, transaction, and statement fees etc.

  • A way to combat the rising costs of accepting payments.

  • An easy payment process—the equipment simply prints off the itemized receipt with the correct corresponding prices and payment options. 



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Start rocking with PPD Tech

No matter where you are in your payments journey- whether you are a merchant, agent, developer, software vendor, distributor, wholesaler, business owner, or none of the above- we're here to help.

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