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Fully customizable self ordering KIOSK 

Increase your ticket size by 20-30% with PPD self order KIOSK systems


  • Increase Revenue

  • Save on labor costs

  • Improve customer experience 

  • Quick recovery of KIOSK investment

  • Donation KIOSK for non-profits

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Our self-ordering kiosks are designed to fit businesses of all sizes. Customized for restaurant ordering, donations, ticket sales, or however you like! Increase your revenue and save precious customer time!

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Key Benefits of a Self Ordering KIOSK

AI Recommendations and Loyalty

Increase Average Ticket Size

Minimize Human Error

Faster Checkout

Boost Efficiency Optimize Operations

Self Service Kiosks enable customers to independently place orders, facilitating the reallocation of staff to varied responsibilities.


Orders placed via the self service kiosks are sent directly to the Kitchen Display System (KDS), ensuring orders are prepared to customer specifications for a satisfying experience.


The kiosk streamlines the ordering and payment process, reducing wait times and enhancing customer convenience with advanced, user-friendly technology.

Save on Labor Costs

Automating the ordering process lets your employees better focus on higher-value services like improving customer experience.

Intuitive and Engaging

You Will be able to enhance visual experience with your brand’s look & feel, and personal touch.

Intelligent Recommendations to Increase Revenue

Personalized menu recommendations based on historical buyer behavior and continuous learning to improve customer recommendations.

Designed for any use scenario

KIOSKS are FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE with many use cases outside of restaurant ordering. Put a KIOSK in your community center for donations, sell tickets easily using a KIOSK, and many customizable options for whatever you need it for. 

Start rocking with PPD Tech

No matter where you are in your payments journey- whether you are a merchant, agent, developer, software vendor, distributor, wholesaler, business owner, or none of the above- we're here to help.

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